Friday, 6 March 2009

Three wings down, Grobbulus still a problem

Well over the course of two evenings last weekend we managed to take down Plague, Military and Spider wings without too much trouble.

Plague went easily, no wipes on any of the bosses though we did almost wipe on the trash before Loathed. The previous time we got this far we just ran through followed by the maggots and the eyestalks did nothing. We tried the same thing this week but the eyes were active and managed to kill almost everyone except me, and I survived barely by getting out of range of the eyestalks on the bridge leading to Loatheb and managing to dps down 3 maggots, not all from full health I should add.

Military we had a wipe on Razuvious. I really hate this fight because when you try to reapply mind control it's very hit or miss. You do have to leave it a second or two after you break it, but sometimes it doesn't seem to apply at all and you end up repeatedly clicking it until you reestablish control of the acolyte. I'd say this is a pretty much hit or miss fight any time it's done. Gothik was easy again, and the git didn't drop the sword. Four horsemen we wiped on a couple of times, mainly because the two taking the rear mobs managed to die so we got raid wide big damage. However once they managed to keep themselves alive until the first horseman was down it was simply a case of me switching over to the back right horseman and switching back and forth to Rivendare until he went down then just back and forth between the rear two, which was pretty easy. This fight is simple if you can keep the two at the back alive and organise yourself properly. Nice breastplate for the Death Knight who hadn't bought it there.

Spider was as it normally is and then it was back to Construct quarter. Patch was easy, though we did get an aggro switch between the tanks early in the fight which could have been nasty. Then we did a couple of goes against Grobbulus. First time we were poor, only getting him down to about 1 million hp. Second time it seemed like people really upped their game and he was down to about 25 thousand hp when we wiped. We switched tanks for that fight to see if extra bear damage helped, which it seemed to. I was working on keeping the slimes and after the first couple I had no help as the dps went on the boss (not by design but hey, it almost worked). Perhaps next time I'll just take the adds and hold them while everyone piles in harder on Grobbulus to try to get him down. I'll have to research the slime damage to see how many I can realistically tank at one time.

Still, we're close to getting past that fight. Just Gluth and Thaddius to go and maybe, just maybe we'll get a 3rd night in to take down Sapphiron and Kel'Thuzad.

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