Monday, 2 February 2009

No raids, just a post about levelling some alts

So this weekend we didn't get to raid at all. To be honest I wasn't too unhappy about that. For some reason on Friday evening I was having a hankering for just relaxing. I turned up online but we were only ever a max of seven players online and that's not quite enough to be sure of doing VoA or OS for us so when 9pm rolled around I decided it was time to head offline and just watch some TV.

I think I've burned out just a little bit on heroics at the moment. I've run quite a lot recently and having to run with a paladin who does amazing dps considering that half the time he's dead is just giving me a bit of a headache. It's a shame he has no sense of self preservation because if he did he'd be the highest dps in the guild by quite some way. As anyone who runs heroics knows, you have to be careful about aggro and if you get it you have to be ready to try to dump it as best you can. Some classes don't really get abilities to do this from what I've seen (could be wrong but our shammy always gets my vigilance) but paladins get bubble. Now bubble is great, it's complete invulnerability but it's also a decent aggro dump. Thing is that pallies can't use it for 30 seconds after they've popped their wings, and this pally pops his wings all the time. I've actually seen those wings sprout out of his back and less than 3 seconds later he's been face down in the dirt. I've tried explaining that he needs to take care of himself because the healer doesn't always get much time to heal him, but nothing I say seems to make much difference. Unfortunately he's one of the first five online most evenings so he runs all the time and I have to be careful not to make it personal when I'm talking over vent, which sometimes I find hard to do after three or four nights of watching him die. So a little break was quite welcome.

Over the weekend apart from my daily cooking quests (six more recipes to go for the Northrend Gourmet achievement) I didn't really have anything to do on my big, bad cow tank. I did a little fishing at the fountain in Dalaran but that got old quickly so I decided I'd take a look at my alts. Before I begin a little bit about me and repetition.

I hate doing the same quests over and over again. Levelling alts is akin to having my teeth pulled out, but for some reason every now and then I feel the need to do it. It started with the problems we had with Maexxna. "If only we'd had a druid who could have cleansed poisons and helped with healing," I thought to myself. Well I have a level 26 druid and though it would take me ages to level it to 80 I thought I'd give it a bit of a go and see how I got on. Over the weekend I got to level 30. It was painful. Druids have some nice abilities, and I've obviously specced Feral for levelling but I find cat druids to be a little squishy. Yes they can dish out good damage, but they also take a lot, and if they get more than a couple of adds they have a real problem. Sure you can switch to bear but I've yet to work out the best times to do this and so I ended up dying quite a lot. So four levels was a bit tedious and as most of it was in Thousand Needles it was made worse by the constant running from place to place and flying to Thunder Bluff and back. I was going to write a quick digression bit about running around during questing here but it's become so long I'm going to post it in another blog post altogether.

Having got to level 30 and got my druid his mount I decided I'd had enough of that playstyle and would go for something a little more 'in your face'. I had a hunter that I'd started with the intention of making him a gathering character. He had mining and skinning and I'd levelled him to 28 before Wrath came out and I thought I'd drag him out again. He too was in Thousand Needles but what the hell, at least the playstyle was very different. This was a lot more like it. Using aspect of the cheetah to move around quickly and switching to hawk to fight, using viper when mana got a bit low. My pet was tougher than my druid, able to easily handle taking on 3 mobs at once while I pew pewed (or twang twanged as I'm using a bow). I hammered through the two levels to get to 30 without breaking a sweat and found I really enjoyed it. I've played a hunter to 70 on the alliance side so I know the playstyle well and I do enjoy pet classes, it's just a shame warlocks are so badly broken at the moment that demonology is really no fun to play. Anyway, level 30 and a quick trip to Orgrimmar and I had two alts with mounts.

I decided I'd also go back and check in with my Blood Elf paladin. She was only level 16 and I'd stopped playing her after getting frustrated at trying to get onto the boat during the quest to collect the three night elf scrolls. I'd been using her to store ore and stone for my Death Knight's blacksmithing but dropped all that off in the bank and decided to take her out for a spin. Obviously for levelling she's retribution specced so I checked what quests I had and ran her out. Damn they have changed paladins, and oh so much for the better. Blessings now last 10 minutes rather than 5 and judgements are no longer based on judging the seal. A quick run around the area of Tranquilien learning the style and I was ready to head off and try the quests again. To be honest it was a joke. Killed all the elves on board the boat with no problem at all and did most of the rest of the quests without any real trouble, though the trolls with the cat pets do tend to do a lot of damage. Even managed to solo Kel'gash the Wicked easily enough. A couple of hours running around and she was level 20 and looking good. I'll be heading her out to the Undead zones soon, can't face another character doing Stonetalon Mountains and Thousand Needles.

Overall it was a pretty relaxed weekend. I'm glad I got the druid levelling done first, as I found the hunter and paladin far more pleasurable to level. I think I'll do that as the pattern to make sure I finish each session on a bit of a high. I'm sure once I've got a few more levels on the druid I'll enjoy it more, as I do like in your face combat more than I do hanging back and dpsing at range. It's a shame I can't get into my mage more at the moment as she's languishing at level 70 and could really do with running up the levels to get some green quest rewards to disenchant and some more cloth to help her tailoring. Still, now I'm levelling again you never know...

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